Indicators for the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Kunming-Montreal biodiversity package of decisions at the UN Biodiversity Conference (December 2022). These included the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which aims to catalyze, enable, and galvanize urgent and transformative action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, to achieve the outcomes it sets out in its Vision, Mission, Goals, and Targets (see CBD/COP/DEC/15/4); and the associated global monitoring framework, which aims to provide consistent, standardized, and scalable tracking of the global Goals and Targets (see CBD/COP/DEC/15/5).

Headline and binary indicators are included in the national reporting template, whereas the component and complementary indicators are optional. The metadata for each indicator provides an explanation of the methodology and potential disaggregations of the indicator.

Site last updated: 9 April 2024. Please see individual metadata sheets for the date of the last data update

NOTICE: The metadata currently provided is based on the document prepared by the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for SBSTTA 26 (CBD/SBSTTA/26/INF/14). A revised document has been prepared for COP 16 (CBD/COP/16/INF/4). This repository will be further updated to reflect the outcomes of COP 16.

Feedback: UNEP-WCMC is keen to ensure that our data is accurate and up to date. We welcome any feedback on the quality, reliability, and accuracy of the information on this site. If you see any errors or missing information, please get in touch.