Metadata Factsheet

1. Indicator Name

Biodiversity Habitat Index (BHI)

2. Date Of Metadata Update

2024-10-15 11:55:00 UTC

3. Goals And Targets Addressed

3a. Goal

Directly addresses Goal A: The integrity, connectivity and resilience of all ecosystems are maintained, enhanced, or restored, substantially increasing the area of natural ecosystems by 2050;

Human induced extinction of known threatened species is halted, and, by 2050, the extinction rate and risk of all species are reduced tenfold and the abundance of native wild species is increased to healthy and resilient levels;

The genetic diversity within populations of wild and domesticated species, is maintained, safeguarding their adaptive potential.

3b. Target

Indirectly addresses Target 1: Ensure that all areas are under participatory, integrated and biodiversity inclusive spatial planning and/or effective management processes addressing land- and sea-use change, to bring the loss of areas of high biodiversity importance, including ecosystems of high ecological integrity, close to zero by 2030, while respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Indirectly addresses Target 2: Ensure that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of areas of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and marine and coastal ecosystems are under effective restoration, in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, ecological integrity and connectivity.

Indirectly addresses Target 3: Ensure and enable that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas, and of marine and coastal areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, are effectively conserved and managed through ecologically representative, well-connected and equitably governed systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, recognizing indigenous and traditional territories, where applicable, and integrated into wider landscapes, seascapes and the ocean, while ensuring that any sustainable use, where appropriate in such areas, is fully consistent with conservation outcomes, recognizing and respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, including over their traditional territories.

4. Rationale

The Biodiversity Habitat Index (BHI) estimates the level of species diversity expected to be retained within any given spatial reporting unit (e.g. a country, a biome, an ecosystem type, or the entire planet) as a function of the area, integrity and connectivity of natural ecosystems across that unit. Results for the indicator can be expressed as either: 1) the ‘effective proportion of habitat’ remaining within the unit – adjusting for the effects of the condition and functional connectivity of that habitat, and of spatial variation in the species composition of ecological communities (beta diversity); or 2) the proportion of species expected to persist (i.e. avoid extinction) over the long term, predicted as a simple species-area based function of the effective proportion of habitat remaining.

The BHI can be used to monitor and report past-to-present trends in the expected persistence of species diversity by repeatedly recalculating the indicator using best-available mapping of ecosystem condition or integrity observed at multiple points in time, e.g. for different years. A wide variety of data sources can be used for this purpose, spanning spatial scales from global to subnational, and including data assembled by countries for deriving ecosystem condition accounts under the UN SEEA Ecosystem Accounting framework. The BHI effectively integrates three of the key ecosystem attributes addressed in Goal A – i.e. area, integrity and connectivity – and the combined effect that changes in these attributes are expected to have on the persistence of species diversity, the second major level of biodiversity addressed in that goal. Because it performs this integration through a community-level analysis, the BHI also accounts for a much larger proportion of the planet’s biodiversity than is currently possible using species-by-species approaches.

The BHI can also serve as a leading indicator for assessing the contribution that proposed or implemented area-based actions under Targets 1, 2 and 3 are expected to make to enhancing the capacity of ecosystems to retain species diversity. This would allow actions under these targets to be better linked to outcomes under Goal A, thereby providing a stronger foundation for strategic prioritisation of such actions by member countries.

5. Definitions Concepts And Classifications

5a. Definition

The BHI is generated from two main inputs: a spatial grid indicating the present condition, or integrity, of the natural ecosystem associated with each cell across the spatial domain of interest (for the existing global implementation these are 30-arcsecond cells, approximately 900m wide at the equator); and pre-derived modelling of spatial variation in the species composition of ecological communities across the same grid. These two inputs are combined to assess the ‘effective proportion of habitat’ remaining within any spatial reporting units of interest (e.g. countries, ecoregions, biomes, ecosystem types, or the entire planet) – adjusting for the effects of the condition and functional connectivity of habitat, and of spatial variation in the species composition of ecological communities, across these units. This effective proportion of habitat can optionally be translated, through standard species-area analysis, into a prediction of the proportion of species expected to persist over the long term.

5b. Method Of Computation

BHI scores are initially calculated separately for each grid-cell in turn – the ‘focal cell’ – within the spatial domain of interest (for the existing global implementation these are 30-arcsecond cells, approximately 900m wide at the equator). For each focal cell this score is an estimate of the proportion of habitat remaining across all cells that are ecologically similar to this cell. This effective proportion of habitat remaining can optionally be translated into a prediction of the proportion of species, originally associated with this cell, which are expected to persist over the long term, anywhere within their range. This is achieved by raising the proportion of habitat remaining to the power of the exponent of a standard species-area relationship.

The BHI score for cell i is calculated as:

where sij is the ecological similarity between cell i and each other cell j in the grid, hj is the condition of habitat within that cell (between 0 and 1), and z is the exponent of the species-area relationship (currently set to 0.25). The ‘ecological similarity’ between any pair of cells is the proportional overlap in species composition expected between those locations prior to any habitat transformation, ranging from 0 (for a pair of cells expected to have had no species in common) through to 1 (for a pair of cells expected to have supported exactly the same species). For the global implementation of BHI these ecological similarities are predicted as a function of the abiotic environmental attributes and geographical locations of the cells concerned, using a set of generalised dissimilarity models (GDMs; Ferrier et al 2007) previously fitted to occurrence records for more than 400,000 species of vascular plants, vertebrates and invertebrates worldwide. This set of models includes 183 separately fitted GDMs, one for each possible combination of three broad biological groups – plants, vertebrates and invertebrates – and 61 bio-realms (unique combinations of biomes and biogeographic realms, as per WWF’s ecoregionalisation; Full details of these models are provided in Hoskins et al (2020).

As described under ‘Data sources’ the global implementation of the BHI currently employs a time series of change in the ‘condition of habitat’ derived through statistical land-use downscaling (undertaken by CSIRO), and calibration based on meta-analysis of local land-use impacts on biodiversity undertaken by the PREDICTS project, led by the Natural History Museum

In the latest version of the global BHI implementation, values of hi in the above equation are first adjusted for the effects of habitat connectivity using the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) technique described by Drielsma et al (2007), as already employed in two other global biodiversity indicators developed by CSIRO – the PARC-connectedness index, and the Bioclimatic Ecosystem Resilience Index (BERI). This CBA technique was developed originally to analyse the connectedness of habitat for individual species, and is founded on well-established principles of metapopulation ecology. Using this technique, the connectedness of each cell is calculated as a weighted average of the habitat condition values of all cells in the surrounding landscape, with the contribution of each cell weighted by the probability of dispersal associated with the least-cost path between that cell and the focal cell of interest. This probability of dispersal is a function of the permeability values of cells along the least-cost path and an estimated median-dispersal parameter, assuming a negative-exponential relationship between distance and dispersal probability. Four different median-dispersal values are used – 200m, 2km, 20km, and 200km – and connectedness is therefore calculated four times and these results are then averaged to yield a single value for the focal cell.

The aggregate BHI score for any larger spatial reporting unit (e.g. a country) is derived as a weighted geometric mean of the individual scores of all cells falling within that unit:

where the contribution of each cell is weighted by the predicted overlap in species composition between this cell and all other cells, and therefore its ecological uniqueness:

The underpinning logic, and details, of this overall approach are described further by Ferrier et al (2004), Allnutt et al (2008), Di Marco et al (2019), Mokany et al (2019), and Ferrier et al (2024). The approach is underpinned by the same basic principle as that employed in approaches assessing the proportional loss (or, conversely, retention) of habitat within discrete ecological classes, such as ecoregions or broad ecosystem types. When discrete classes are used to assess habitat loss or retention, each location (cell) on the planet is viewed as belonging to a single class, and the proportional retention of habitat in the entire class is assigned to every cell within the class. In other words, all cells within a given class are assigned the same value. However, in the approach adopted here, each cell is viewed not as belonging to a homogeneous set of cells forming a discrete class, but rather as sitting within a continuum of ecological variation.

5c. Data Collection Method

All data used to derive this indicator are described below under ’Data sources’.

5d. Accessibility Of Methodology

All methods and underlying data used to derive the global implementation of the BHI are published in accessible peer-reviewed locations (see ‘Method of computation’ and ‘Data sources’ for details).

Options for deriving and reporting the BHI at national scale are described below under ‘National/regional indicator production’.

5e. Data Sources

The existing GDM models of ecological similarity used to derive the global implementation of the BHI were fitted using the following input data (see Hoskins et al 2020 for details):

  • Global 30-arcsecond gridded environmental surfaces for: Min Monthly Min Temperature, Max Monthly Max Temperature, Max Diurnal Temperature Range, Annual Precipitation, Actual Evaporation, Potential Evaporation, Min Monthly Water Deficit, Max Monthly Water Deficit, Soil pH, Soil Clay Proportion, Soil Silt Proportion, Soil Bulk Density, Soil Depth, Ruggedness Index, Topographic Wetness Index (Sources:
  • Global occurrence records for all terrestrial species within the following taxa, extracted from data accessible through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF vascular plants, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, ants, bees, beetles, bugs, butterflies, centipedes, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, millipedes, snails, moths, spiders, termites, wasps.

The global implementation of the BHI currently employs data on change in ecosystem (habitat) condition derived from a global time-series of land-use change generated by CSIRO using statistical downscaling of coarse-resolution land-use data using finer-resolution covariates, including remotely-sensed land cover and abiotic environmental attributes. This was achieved using the technique described by Hoskins et al (2016), extended by employing Version 2, in place of Version 1, of the Land Use Harmonisation product, MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields as remote-sensing covariates in place of discrete land-cover classes, and constraints derived from ESA CCI land-cover mapping (see also Di Marco et al 2019). Applying this downscaling approach across multiple years provides an effective means of translating observed changes in remotely-sensed land-cover covariates into estimated changes in the proportions of 12 land-use classes occurring in each and every 30-arcsecond terrestrial grid-cell on the planet.

These land-use proportions are then, in turn, translated into an estimate of ecosystem (habitat) condition, for any given cell in any given year, using coefficients derived from global meta-analyses of land-use impacts on local retention of species diversity undertaken by the PREDICTS project (led by the Natural History Museum). The same downscaled land-use dataset is also being used by the Natural History Museum to derive their Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) globally

5f. Availability And Release Calendar

Global implementation available now.

Raw gridded results for the entire planet are accessible via the CSIRO Data Access Portal and the UN Biodiversity Lab

Aggregated country-level results are accessible via the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership Dashboard and CSIRO’s Biodiversity Indicators Explorer

5g. Time Series

Time series available: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020.

Next planned update: 2024.

5h. Data Providers

Organisations producing data used to derive this indicator are listed under ‘Data sources’.

5i. Data Compilers

CSIRO (Australia’s national science agency), in partnership with GEO BON, GBIF and the Natural History Museum.

5j. Gaps In Data Coverage

The global implementation of the BHI assesses only the terrestrial realm.

5k. Treatment Of Missing Values

All spatial data layers used to derive the BHI cover the entire terrestrial surface of the planet at 30-arcsecond grid resolution (see ‘Data sources’).

6. Scale

6a. Scale Of Use

Scale of application (please check all relevant boxes): Global, Regional, National

Scale of data disaggregation/aggregation: The existing global implementation is derived from data and models covering the entire terrestrial surface of the planet at 30-arcsecond grid resolution (these cells are approximately 900m wide at the equator).

Global/ regional scale indicator can be disaggregated to national level: Yes

National data is collated to form global indicator:

6b. National Regional Indicator Production

Three main options exist, or are anticipated, for countries to report national-level changes in the BHI. These options differ both in terms of ease of implementation, and in terms of the extent to which they mobilise national versus global data.

Option 1: In this option countries would simply extract the raw gridded BHI results (at 30-arcsecond grid resolution) for their country from the relevant globally-generated layers (for details of access to these results see ‘Availability and release calendar’ above). They could then use standard GIS processing to aggregate and report results by any desired set of spatial units – e.g. provinces, ecosystem types. This is the easiest option to implement, but results would be totally dependent on the quality of the global inputs employed, and would not benefit from incorporation of any better-quality national data.

Option 2: Countries would here make use of the existing global GDM modelling of spatial variation in species composition (the most challenging, and computationally demanding, component of the indicator’s workflow) but would replace the globally-generated mapping of change in ecosystem condition with best-available national data – e.g. ecosystem condition mapping generated by a country’s implementation of UN SEEA Ecosystem Accounts (see for an example of the implementation of this option for a region in Peru). This option would also open up potential for countries to evaluate the contribution that alternative area-based actions might make to improving the present BHI score for their country, thereby providing a foundation for prioritising the implementation of such actions. While Option 2 would allow results for the BHI to reflect a country’s best understanding of changes in the condition of their ecosystems, the rigour of these results would still be constrained to some extent by the spatial resolution, and quality, of the global biodiversity modelling employed. CSIRO is currently exploring, with partner organisations, potential avenues for giving countries direct access to the analytical computing capability needed to implement this option.

Option 3: In this most demanding option countries would derive the BHI for their country from scratch, not only employing best-available national data on ecosystem condition, but also making use of best-available biological and environmental data to refine the modelling of spatial variation in species composition – potentially at a finer spatial resolution than that employed in the global implementation. As for Option 2, CSIRO is exploring potential avenues for giving countries direct access to the analytical computing capability needed to implement this option.

6c. Sources Of Differences Between Global And National Figures

Some modest differences between country-level results generated using the three options outlined above are to be expected, as a function of differences in the resolution and quality global versus national sources of data.

6d. Regional And Global Estimates And Data Collection For Global Monitoring

6d.1 Description Of The Methodology

Regional and global aggregates for the BHI should ideally be derived directly from raw gridded results across the region concerned, using the rigorous aggregation procedure described under ‘Method of computation’, rather than from pre-aggregated country values.

6d.2 Additional Methodological Details

6d.3 Description Of The Mechanism For Collecting Data From Countries

7. Other MEA And Processes And Organisations

7a. Other MEA And Processes

CBD Aichi Target 5 reporting.

IPBES Core Indicator, used in the IPBES Global Assessment (Chapters 2 and 3) and Regional Assessments.

7b. Biodiversity Indicator Partnership


8. Disaggregation

Global results for this indicator can potentially be reported by any desired set of spatial units at, or above, the resolution of 30-arcsecond grid-cells – e.g. by countries, biomes, ecosystem types, or the entire planet. They can also be reported separately for each of three biological groups – plants, invertebrates, vertebrates – or as a combined average across the groups.

9. Related Goals Targets And Indicators

Many of the datasets, models and analytical techniques used in the global implementation of the BHI are also used in deriving two other indicators developed by CSIRO – the Bioclimatic Ecosystem Resilience Index (BERI) and the Protected Area Representativeness & Connectedness (PARC) indices.

As described under ‘Data sources’ the global implementation of the BHI currently employs a time series of change in ecosystem condition derived through statistical land-use downscaling (undertaken by CSIRO), and calibration based on meta-analysis of local land-use impacts on biodiversity undertaken by the PREDICTS project (led by the Natural History Museum). The same downscaled land-use dataset is also being used by the Natural History Museum to derive their Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) globally While these implementations of the BII and BHI are therefore linked, it is important to note some key differences between the two indicators. The BII estimates the percentage of the original number of native species remaining, and their abundance, for each grid-cell on the planet. It is therefore a local measure of ecosystem condition or integrity. The BHI adds considerable value to local indicators of ecosystem condition or integrity, such as the BII, by integrating consideration of spatial patterns in the distribution of biodiversity (i.e. beta diversity) and spatial processes (e.g. habitat connectivity) into assessing and reporting changes in the state of biodiversity across larger spatial units such as countries, ecosystem types, or the entire planet.

The continuous nature of the ecosystem-condition time series underpinning the global BHI implementation confers an important advantage relative to indicators underpinned by observed changes in the distribution of discrete land-cover classes. The BHI can reflect changes in condition resulting from disturbance or management of an ecosystem represented by a single mapped land-cover type, e.g. “forest”, not just changes in the extent of that type.

The BHI can also be derived from any other gridded dataset for which local ecosystem condition or integrity is estimated on a continuous scale for each cell. Good potential therefore exists to derive this indicator from, and thereby add considerable value to, a number of other component and complementary indicators addressing ecosystem integrity in the draft GBF monitoring framework. For example, a refined version of the BHI has recently been derived across all forests globally, based on 300m grid-resolution mapping of the Forest Landscape Integrity Index (Ferrier et al 2024). Similar potential exists to derive the BHI from the Ecosystem Intactness Index, Ecosystem Integrity Index, or Mean Species Abundance index.

10. Data Reporter

10a. Organisation

CSIRO (Australia’s national science agency)

10b. Contact Person

Simon Ferrier,

11. References

Allnutt, T.F., Ferrier, S., Manion, G., Powell, G.V.N., Ricketts, T.H., Fisher, B.L., Harper, G.J., Kremen, C., Labat, J., Lees, D.C., Pearce, T.A., Irwin, M.E. and Rakotondrainibe, F. (2008) Quantifying biodiversity loss in Madagascar from a 50-year record of deforestation. Conservation Letters 1: 173-181.

Di Marco, M., Harwood, T.D., Hoskins, A.J., Ware, C., Hill, S.L.L., Ferrier, S. (2019) Projecting impacts of global climate and land‐use scenarios on plant biodiversity using compositional‐turnover modelling. Global Change Biology 25: 2763-2778.

Drielsma, M., Ferrier, S., Manion, G. (2007) A raster-based technique for analysing habitat configuration: the cost-benefit approach. Ecological Modelling 202: 324-332.

Ferrier, S., Harwood, T.D., Ware, C., Hoskins, A.J. (2020) A globally applicable indicator of the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to retain biological diversity under climate change: the Bioclimatic Ecosystem Resilience Index. Ecological Indicators 117: 106554.

Ferrier, S., Powell, G.V.N., Richardson, K.S., Manion, G., Overton, J.M., Allnutt, T.F., Cameron, S.E., Mantle, K., Burgess, N.D., Faith, D.P., Lamoreux, J.F., Kier, G., Hijmans, R.J., Funk, V.A., Cassis, G.A., Fisher, B.L., Flemons, P., Lees, D., Lovett, J.C., van Rompaey, R.S.A.R (2004) Mapping more of terrestrial biodiversity for global conservation assessment. BioScience 54: 1101-1109.

Ferrier, S., Ware, C., Austin, J.M., Grantham, H.S., Harwood, T.D., Watson, J.E.M. (2024) Ecosystem extent is a necessary but not sufficient indicator of the state of global forest biodiversity. Conservation Letters e13045

Hansen, A.J., Noble, B.P., Veneros, J., East, A., Goetz, S.J., Supples, C., Watson, J.E.M., Jantz, P.A., Pillay, R., Jetz, W., Ferrier, S., Grantham, H.S., Evans, T.D., Ervin, J., Venter, O., Virnig, A.L.S. (2021) Toward monitoring forest ecosystem integrity within the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation Letters e12822.

Hoskins, A.J., Bush, A., Gilmore, J., Harwood, T., Hudson, L.N., Ware, C., Williams, K.J., Ferrier, S. (2016) Downscaling land‐use data to provide global 30” estimates of five land‐use classes. Ecology and Evolution 6: 3040-3055.

Hoskins, A.J., Harwood, T.D., Ware, C., Williams, K.J., Perry, J.J., Ota, N., Croft, J.R., Yeates, D.K., Jetz, W., Golebiewski, M., Purvis, A., Ferrier, S. (2020) BILBI: Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software 132: 104806.

Mokany, K., Harwood, T.D., Ferrier, S. (2019) Improving links between environmental accounting and scenario-based cumulative impact assessment for better-informed biodiversity decisions. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 2732-2741.

12. Graphs And Diagrams

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