Living Planet Index
2022-10-01 12:00:00 UTC
Goal A. The integrity of all ecosystems is enhanced, with an increase of at least 15% in the area, connectivity and integrity of natural ecosystems, supporting healthy and resilient populations of all species, the rate of extinctions has been reduced at least tenfold, and the risk of species extinctions across all taxonomic and functional groups, is halved, and genetic diversity of wild and domesticated species is safeguarded, with at least 90% of genetic diversity within all species maintained.
The Living Planet Index (LPI) uses primary data on species populations to track trends in wildlife abundance. Species population data are considered a sensitive metric of biodiversity change (Buckland et al 2011; Gregory et al 2010; Santini et al 2017) and monitoring populations can provide an early warning signal of the impacts of threats on species. Species abundance is one of the vital components that reflects ecosystem health. As an indicator of trends in the relative abundance of populations, the LPI can detect pressures on habitats and the consequent loss of biodiversity even if species have not yet been assessed as threatened with extinction.
The LPI is based on time-series data of high temporal resolution and is spatially explicit through the data being tied to a particular location. This allows for the recording of extensive metadata on local pressures or threats and conservation action, which could be specific to the assessment of national level biodiversity trends.
The index values represent the average change in relative abundance of species populations and not a change in absolute abundance of individual animals, which means the LPI is sensitive to trends in both rare and common species. A decrease in the LPI implies that relative abundance will have reduced, even if none of those species populations have declined to extinction.
The LPI is widely seen as a highly complementary indicator to the Red List Index as it provides a greater temporal and spatial resolution whereas the Red List Index provides species-level trends and broader taxonomic coverage (Hoffmann et al 2018).
The Living Planet Index is an established indicator of biodiversity change. It was initially developed in 1998 and was one of the first indicators for the natural world (Loh et al 2005). The LPI was adopted as one of a suite of indicators measuring progress towards the Convention on Biological Diversity 2010 target (Collen et al 2009; Butchart et al 2010) and most recently to monitor progress for the Convention on Biological Diversity Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020: Aichi targets 5,6,7 and 12 (Tittensor et al 2014; McRae et al 2017). Beyond the Convention on Biological Diversity, the LPI has been used in the IPBES global assessment, IPBES regional assessments, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Global Environment Outlooks 3-6, Global Biodiversity Outlooks 2-5 and the Global Wetlands Outlook.
The methodology has been adapted for use at sub-global (Arctic Species Trend Index, Mediterranean wetlands) and national (Canada – part of the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, Netherlands, Uganda, Sweden, China, Belgium, Austria, Indonesia - in progress) levels. It can also be used to track changes in the relative abundance of selected groups of species and habitats (e.g. Arctic migratory birds, migratory fish, forest-specialist species, utilized species). The method is similar to that used for the Wild Bird Index (Gregory and van Strien 2010) and it has been further adapted to monitor trends in habitat extent for wetlands (Dixon et al, 2016; Darrah et al, 2019) and trends in linguistic diversity (Harmon and Loh 2010) instead of species.
The global LPI has been extrapolated to 2020 and 2030 (Tittensor et al, 2014) and can be used to project trends under different land use, climate change, management or policy scenarios (Visconti et al, 2015; Costelloe et al, 2015; Nicholson et al, 2014; Spooner et al, 2019; Leclère et al, 2020). Work is also underway to estimate counterfactual LPIs based on different scenarios.
Relevance to Goal A
The LPI is directly relevant to measuring whether we have achieved a goal of “healthy and resilient populations of all species” (Goal A), and to ensure that “the abundance and distribution of populations of species is enhanced or at least maintained” (Milestone A.1). The LPI is the only established indicator of relative abundance of wild native species at the population scale. Disaggregated versions of the LPI (e.g., the Freshwater LPI) can also be used as indicators to indirectly assess progress against the goal of ensuring the “integrity and connectivity of natural ecosystems”.
The Living Planet Index is a multi-species indicator which tracks average changes in the relative abundance of species populations over time. The method of aggregating the index is the geometric mean, an established method for biodiversity indicators both globally, for example the Wetland Extent Index (Dixon et al, 2016; Darrah et al, 2019) and the Wild Bird Index (Gregory and van Strien 2010), and nationally, for example, the UK Priority Species Indicator (Eaton et al, 2015) and the Canadian Species Index (Marconi et al, 2021). The unit of measurement are index values starting from a value of 1 in 1970 with the current global LPI running to 2018. The index values are calculated for each subsequent year relative to the previous one, so any given year show the cumulative change in relative abundance compared to the value in 1970.
The index is calculated from almost 32,000 population time-series of vertebrate species from over 7,500 sites globally. These time-series are repeated measures of population size (or a proxy) using the same method (or inconsistent method plus correction factor) for a minimum of two years, not necessarily consecutive. The term population refers to a collection of individuals of the same species that have been monitored in a defined location. The data sources are listed for each data set and come from published scientific literature, government reports, national species monitoring schemes and direct submissions.
The population data are collected from terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats around the world. Data are collected and added to the database underpinning the index on a continual basis. As such, the LPI can be updated as frequently as annually if needed and if the data are available.
The LPI is time sensitive. Annual data points are collected so changes in populations can be picked up relatively quickly. In addition to time series data, a wealth of information on threats, management, geographic and taxonomic information is collected which allows further disaggregation of the LPI and analysis on drivers behind the trends. The LPI can be disaggregated to different scales including national and regional levels and for different habitats. Available data from published and unpublished sources, using a range of data types, are used to build the index, meaning that it is quite cost effective to develop; the underlying database also provides a valuable resource which can be used for other applications beyond the production of the indicator. The LPI is easy to communicate by providing a simple message which is easy for a range of audiences to understand.
Data used is currently limited to vertebrates, but efforts are being made to extend this to plants and invertebrates which will be available within the next five years. The taxonomic coverage of vertebrates is also not comprehensive, and the data set is sometimes over-represented by well-studied species and regions. This is taken into account by applying weighting when calculating the index as detailed in McRae et al, 2017. Sufficient data are not currently available to produce a national index for all countries. This is being addressed methodologically by developing techniques for extrapolating species trends in countries where data are lacking. Additionally, targeted data collection is underway to fill gaps for countries where gaps exist. The geometric mean used to calculate the LPI can be sensitive to outliers (Leung et al, 2020; Gregory et al, 2019). However, sensitivity tests are incorporated into the method to check and account for any significant effect on the index and outliers are removed if they are unduly affecting the index.
The LPI adopts two different methods to generate index values: a chain method, and a generalized additive modelling technique. There is an R package for using the Living Planet Index method which is fully accessible and has examples of how the method can be applied at the global and regional level.
Box 1: Pseudocode outlining the algorithm for constructing the global Living Planet Index (McRae et al 2017).
Change in abundance is calculated between the baseline year and the end year using a two-stage modelling process, using mgcv 1.8-0 package in R (R Development Core Team 2018), to obtain annual time-series level trends. Long time-series are modelled through a Generalised Additive Modelling (GAM) framework. For short time series (fewer than 6 data points) and time series that fail the GAM, the chain method (log linear interpolation) is used. Annual time series are aggregated geometrically following a standardised method to produce the final index. Within the indices calculated using the unweighted approach, each population carries equal weight within each species and each species carries equal weight within the overall trend. Unless otherwise specified, all populations of a species are weighted equally, and an average value is calculated for a species with more than one population within the data set. This means that species represented by several populations within the data set will have the same influence on the trend as species with only one population within the data set.
where nt is the number of populations, dt is the annual rate of
change for a population in a given year, given by
where N is the population measure and t is the year.
Having constructed species, group, regional or global trends, these can be converted back to index values by:
In order to address unevenness in data from different taxonomic groups or regions, a weighted approach to the calculation of the global Living Planet Index was introduced in 2017 (McRae et al, 2017), which can also be used for countries. This approach uses a proportional weighting system which is based on the estimated species richness of a taxonomic group within a region, placing greater weight on trends from those groups which contain the most species even if they are not the groups which contain the most data. Box 1 shows the levels of aggregation and where weightings are applied in the global LPI.
Confidence intervals are calculated by bootstrapping the species trends 10,000 times to generate indices for the upper and lower bounds. These intervals represent the variability in the underlying species trends but do not propagate uncertainty from the population estimates themselves.
The primary data in the LPI is collected using a variety of methods which are appropriate to the species and location. These include transect counts, boat surveys, trapping, aerial surveys and visual counts. These data are collated by the LPI team and other organisations involved in producing national or regional LPIs; countries can also submit their data for inclusion into the LPI (see 6.d.3).
The data collation is an ongoing activity to capture data as soon as it is available. This includes the addition of new population time-series to the database and new annual data points to existing population time-series.
Supporting documents are available on the Living Planet Index website which outline the data collection protocols and standards and
The LPI methodology has been published in the peer-reviewed literature for both the unweighted (Loh et al, 2005 and Collen et al, 2009) and diversity-weighted versions (McRae et al, 2017). The methodology for the national calculations of the LPI e.g., Australian Threatened Species Index (Bayraktarov et al, 2021) and Canadian Species Index (Marconi et al, 2021) also have been peer- reviewed and are readily available (see References).
All data added to the Living Planet Index Database are publicly available. An exception is when they are provided to the LPI team under the agreement that they should be kept confidential, usually if they contain data for protected species or it is a temporary confidentiality agreement while the data are being used in other publications (in which case they are used as part of the calculation of global trends, but are never shown individually). In case of data sources providing large amounts of data, an MoU is usually signed between the parties. The database has an online form system which allows individuals to enter and store their own data after receiving some training.
After every global analysis of the data, the entire public data set is published in an Excel spreadsheet and can be replicated using the same methodology which is available online The public data set does not include confidential data (about 4,500 populations – 16%) so an anonymised version of this part of the data set is also made available.
Data are collated from scientific literature, government reports, NGO reports, national species monitoring schemes, conservation practitioners and scientists. Data sets do not have to be published or peer-reviewed to be included in the database. Details of individual data sources are available for each record on the Living Planet Index Database website. Compiling the national data set and producing indices is done by either national agencies – government or non-governmental organisations or by the LPI team, who maintain the global database.
The indicator is available now and is updated every two years.
The database is hosted and accessible online ( and has a search interface that registered users can operate to access and download the data. Updated versions of the database are made available on the website twice a year. A global Living Planet Index and the accompanying data set is released every two years with the publication of WWF’s Living Planet Report. National LPIs can be updated with the same frequency, depending on the regularity of data updates.
The global Living Planet Index is currently available from 1970 to 2018. Usually there is a time lag of 3-4 years for the global LPI. However, national LPIs could close this gap if data is made available as soon as it has been collected.
There are several thousand data sources, mostly scientific papers, which cannot all be listed here. The main data providers are national and regional databases of species monitoring data. Examples of national data providers to the database are the National Biodiversity Data Bank of Uganda and the Open Government Portal of Canada.
The LPI team based at the Zoological Society of London are responsible for maintaining the database behind the Living Planet Index and for calculating regular updates to the global index. The results are published every two years (WWF 2022; and the LPI team are responsible for providing regular updates to the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership and for global assessments such as the Global Biodiversity Outlooks.
The LPI is focussed on vertebrate species currently. The underlying data set is subject to similar geographic and taxonomic biases found in other indicators and data sets (Troudet et al, 2017; Donaldson et al, 2016); however, the representation of certain taxa is increasing. For example, in the 2022 LPI, the largest percentage of species were fishes (40%), followed by birds (34%), mammals (14%), and amphibians and reptiles (11%).
The geographic spread of the data shows that Africa and Asia-Pacific are less well-represented than Europe-Central Asia and the Americas. Most species came from Latin America & Caribbean (31%), followed by North America (23%)Europe-Central Asia (15%), Asia-Pacific (18%) and Africa (13%).
At country level
Missing values are interpolated as described in the Computation Method section. No extrapolation of data occurs at time-series level before the start year or beyond the end year. Where insufficient data are available to calculate a Living Planet Index at the national level, techniques are in development (based on Spooner et al, 2019 and Leclère et al, 2020) to calculate spatially extrapolated values.
At regional and global levels
Because the Living Planet Index does not rely on comprehensive coverage of taxonomic groups, there are no specific missing values. However, the weighted approach to the method is employed to compensate for disparity in taxonomic and geographic coverage, including gaps. A weighted value is assigned to a species group based on how diverse (how many species) it is. In addition, where insufficient data are available to calculate a Living Planet Index at the national level, techniques are in development (based on Spooner et al, 2019 and Leclère et al, 2020) to calculate extrapolated values.
Scale of application (please check all relevant boxes): Global, Regional, National
Scale of data disaggregation/aggregation:
Global/ regional scale indicator can be disaggregated to national level: Yes
National data is collated to form global indicator:
National data can be collated to produce a global indicator. For example, many national species trends for Canada are used in the global LPI. Conversely, because the data comes from monitoring sites, the global LPI can be disaggregated for national use. However, there is not always data readily available for every country (see 6.b).
Recently, the second version of guidelines for national applications of the Living Planet Index was produced (Marconi and McRae 2021). This technical document provides detailed steps to collecting and analysing data through to interpretation and diagnostics and is available from the LPI website. A manuscript outlining the national application of the LPI using the example for Canada has recently been published (Marconi et al, 2021). In addition to the tools for analysis and guidance document, experts from the LPI partnership are happy to provide advice and support for the development of national LPIs.
Underlying data can be accessed by countries and supplemented with their own data if appropriate. Data are available for 199 countries (161 are Parties to the CBD) and the amount of data varies for each country – see national portal for more details: National indices have been produced for Canada, Netherlands, Uganda, Belgium, Austria and are in development for Indonesia ( Australia have developed a national indicator for threatened species of birds, mammals and plants using the LPI method.
We estimate that over 40 countries currently have sufficient data for over 50 species, but many data sources remain untapped so this could be increased relatively quickly. Where insufficient data are available to calculate a Living Planet Index at the national level, techniques are in development (Spooner et al, 2019; Leclère et al, 2020) to calculate extrapolated values.
There shouldn’t be any discrepancy between country estimates as the underlying data will be the same and are a nested part of the global data set. However, as the global LPI is a weighted average, it won’t represent the trends for all countries. The weight each country has in the index varies according to how biodiverse the country is, and how much available data there is for that country.
Disaggregation will highlight differences in biodiversity trends in different areas of the globe (especially between temperate and tropical areas). However, these are genuine differences and do not represent a discrepancy as national-level data are a nested part of the global data set.
6d.1 Description Of The Methodology
The calculation is the same as for the global LPI (see 5.b.) – this includes the modelling of the population and species trends and the calculation of confidence intervals.
6d.2 Additional Methodological Details
This process is the same as in the calculation section (see 5.b) as the underlying data are the same for the version
of the indicator at different scales.
6d.3 Description Of The Mechanism For Collecting Data From Countries
The LPI team and network collate data for all countries – see LPI national map. However, countries can collate and process their own data, using the data in the LPI database as a starting point or using their own data set entirely. Countries can submit their data to the LPI database, which will contribute to both their national indicator and the global LPI. The LPI team are available to provide guidance on data collation and analysis.
CMS – the LPI is listed as one of the indicators listed in the CMS strategic plan and has been used as an indicator for migratory species and species listed on CMS appendices: Deinet, S. The Living Planet Index (LPI) for species listed on the CMS Appendices. Technical summary submitted to UNEP-WCMC and the CMS Secretariat. 11 (ZSL, UNEP/CMS/COP13/Doc.24/Annex 5, 2019); Latham, J., Collen, B., McRae, L., & Loh, J. (2008). Final Report for The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species.
IPBES – use of global LPI, threat summary and LPI for utilised species: IPBES (2019): Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. E. S. Brondizio, J. Settele, S. Díaz, and H. T. Ngo (editors). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany. 1148 pages.; IPBES (2022). Thematic Assessment Report on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (1499 pages). Fromentin, J. M., Emery, M. R., Donaldson, J., Danner, M. C., Hallosserie, A., and Kieling, D. (eds.). IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany.
Ramsar – use of terrestrial, freshwater and marine LPIs. Finlayson, C. M., Davidson, N., Fennessy, S., Coates, D., Gardner, R. C., Darwall, W., ... & Stroud, D. (2018, October). Section 2: Status and trends. In: Gardner, RC and Finlayson, CM (eds), Global Wetland Outlook: State of the World’s Wetlands and their Services to People. Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention Secretariat. Ramsar Convention Secretariat.
The Living Planet Index can be disaggregated by any variable that can be attributed to a location or species, including at the level of: regionally (e.g. Arctic – McRae et al, 2012, IPBES regions – WWF, 2022); country (e.g. Canada – Marconi et al, 2021, Netherlands – van Strien et al, 2016, Uganda – Pomeroy et al, 2017, Australia – Bayraktarov et al, 2021); ecosystem (e.g. Mediterranean wetlands - Galewski et al, 2011); and for selected groups of species and habitats (e.g. Reptiles – Saha et al, 2018, Arctic migratory birds – Deinet et al, 2015, forest-specialist species – Green et al, 2020).
Regional aggregates:
The method of computation is the same as described above for global, regional and national aggregations. The outputs of regional aggregates would be provided to the custodian agency.
Growth in number of records and species in the Living Planet Index database
Proportion of populations maintained within species (GEOBON) – plan to use LPI data in this indicator development
Wetland Extent Trends Index – this indicator uses the same method and code to aggregate trends in wetland extent
LPI for utilised species
LPI for target and bycatch species Forest Specialist Index
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
URL: www.livingplanetindex.organd Methodology
Loh, J. et al. The Living Planet Index: using species population time series to track trends in biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 360, 289-295, doi:10.1098/rstb.2004.1584 (2005)
Collen, B. et al. Monitoring Change in Vertebrate Abundance: the Living Planet Index. Conservation Biology 23, 317-327, doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01117.x (2009).
McRae L, Deinet S, Freeman R (2017) The Diversity-Weighted Living Planet Index: Controlling for Taxonomic Bias in a Global Biodiversity Indicator. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169156
Leclère, D., Obersteiner, M., Barrett, M., Butchart, S. H., Chaudhary, A., De Palma, A., ... & Young, L. (2020). Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature, 585(7826), 551-556.
McRae, L., Freeman, R., Geldmann, J., Moss, G. B., Kjaer-Hansen, L., & Burgess, N. D. (2021). A global indicator of utilised wildlife populations: regional trends and the impact of management. bioRxiv, 2020-11.
Application at regional and national scale
Living Planet Index: Guidance for national and regional use. Version 1.1. (2010BIP, WWF & ZSL 2008). Updated:
Galewski T, Collen B, Loh J, McRae L, Grillas P, & Devictor V. (2011) Long term trends in the abundance of Mediterranean wetland vertebrates: from global recovery to localized declines. Biological Conservation, 144: 1392-1399
McRae L, Gill M, Bohm M, Deinet S, & Collen B. (2012) The Arctic Species Trend Index: using vertebrate population trends to monitor the health of this rapidly changing ecosystem. Biodiversity 13:(3-4)
van Strien, A. J., Meyling, A. W. G., Herder, J. E., Hollander, H., Kalkman, V. J., Poot, M. J., ... & Oerlemans, N. J. (2016). Modest recovery of biodiversity in a western European country: The Living Planet Index for the Netherlands. Biological Conservation, 200, 44-50.
Semmelmayer, K., & Hackländer, K. (2020). Monitoring vertebrate abundance in Austria: developments over 30 years. Die Bodenkultur: Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment, 71(1), 19-30.
Marconi, V., McRae, L., Müller, H., Currie, J., Whitmee, S., Gadallah, F. Z., & Freeman, R. (2021). Population declines among Canadian vertebrates: But data of different quality show diverging trends. Ecological Indicators, 130, 108022.
Bayraktarov, Elisa, et al. "A threatened species index for Australian birds." Conservation Science and Practice 3.2 (2021): e322.
Figure 1: The global Living Planet Index (1970 to 2018) The average change in relative abundance of 31,821 populations, representing 5,230 species monitored across the globe, was a decline of 69%.
The white line shows the index values and the shaded areas represent the statistical certainty surrounding the trend (95% statistical certainty, range 63% to 75%) Source: WWF/ZSL (2022)
Figure 2: Locations of animal populations used for the Living Planet Index. Green dots show locatons for existing data; yellow dots show where data has been added for a new population between 2020 and 2022; orange dots show where data has been added for a new species to the database between 2020 and 2022. Source: WWF/ZSL (2022)
Feedback: UNEP-WCMC is keen to ensure that our data is accurate and up to date. We welcome any feedback on the quality, reliability, and accuracy of the information on this site. If you see any errors or missing information, please get in touch.